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In this issue…
Article 1: Medicaid Spending Rises Even As Enrollment Declines, WIBC.com
Clay’s summary: I feel for the legislators who keep getting the goal posts moved on them. “Look over here – here’s our new shiny thing that will control costs!” 3 years later: “Well here’s why costs were not controlled those last few years. Can we interest you in a new shiny thing as you consider this year’s budget bill?”
Key Excerpts from the Article:
Last fiscal year’s Medicaid enrollment was Indiana’s lowest in three years, yet spending was up $800 million.
Read full article in packet or at links provided
Article 2: Why Medicaid Enrollment And Fraud Has Exploded Under Obamacare, The Federalist
Clay’s summary: Those expansion states that keep trying to shame your state into taking the plunge? Their expansion enrollment was 2x what their wisest predictors told them it would be.
Key Excerpts from the Article:
By the end of 2016, enrollment in 24 states that expanded Medicaid enrollment to able-bodied adults exceeded the states’ original projections by an average of 110 percent.
New studies and data suggest two related reasons why: Ineligible individuals getting on (or staying on) the Medicaid rolls, and people dropping private coverage to enroll in Medicaid expansion.
Read full article in packet or at links provided
Article 3: Childless, able-bodied adults are driving cost and enrollment under Medicaid expansion, Adam Crepeau, The Maine Wire
Clay’s summary: The young adults without children predicted least likely to enroll in expansion in the study used to sell expansion to Mainers? Yep, they ended up being the ones who enrolled at 5x the rate predicted. Its almost like Bernie clued them into the place to get all that free healthcare he’s been talking about.
Key Excerpts from the Article:
Since Governor Mills signed the executive order when she took office in January, more than 37,000 individuals have enrolled under expansion. According to the Maine Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), adults without children represent 81 percent of those who have enrolled thus far. Of those individuals, 10,500 of them, or nearly one-third of all enrollees, are between the ages of 19 and 29.
These trends are much different than what was projected in a study conducted this year by the Muskie School of Public Service. Their research indicated that adults between the ages of 19 and 24 were least likely to enroll under expansion. This age group represented just 6.6 percent of eligible low-income, childless adults whereas individuals between the ages of 55 and 64 were expected to make up approximately 45 percent of the expansion population.
Read full article in packet or at links provided