2019 10 07 MMMRHelping you consider differing viewpoints. Before it’s illegal.
other MMRS – http://bit.ly/2T7CP7K
In this issue…
Article 1:
New Bombshell Report Reveals Obamacare’s Epic Medicaid Waste, Sally Pipes, Forbes
Clay’s summary: It’s almost as if when you pass a gigantic, economy transforming bill without reading it, forcing everyone to go along or else they’re evil- and there happen to be some train wrecks, negatives we find out years later. But I have no doubt the Medicaid Left will only ever sing its praises as if it is a complete and total success until the end of time.
Key Excerpts from the Article:
...according to a new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, it’s the insurer of record for a significant number of middle-class Americans. The cost to taxpayers? Hundreds of millions of dollars.
The culprit for this epic amount of government waste shouldn’t be a surprise—Obamacare…By the end of 2016, some 11.5 million able-bodied adults had enrolled in Medicaid because of the expansion, more than double the original enrollment projections. This brings the total number on Medicaid to 65.6 million.The cost of the expansion has been higher than expected, too—76% more per person.
Read full article in packet or at links provided
Article 2: Are the Right People on Medicaid? – Flathead Beacon, Bob Keenan, Tom Burnett
Clay’s summary: Most people don’t mind taking money from them (“taxes”) to help their needy neighbor. They do mind when it turns out bennies are not actually eligible. Even in Montana.
Key Excerpts from the Article:
... 25% of Medicaid expansion enrollees were likely ineligible in both California and New York. A state audit in Louisiana found 82% of expansion enrollees were ineligible at some point during the year they were enrolled. 25% of Medicaid expansion enrollees were likely ineligible in both California and New York. A state audit in Louisiana found 82% of expansion enrollees were ineligible at some point during the year they were enrolled.
Read full article in packet or at links provided
Article 3: Analysis: Medicaid deals offer election headache for Edwards, AP, Melinda Deslatte
Clay’s summary: Sometimes Medicaid helps you get elected (like when you ran on expansion Mr. Edwards). Sometimes it might get you un-elected (like when you are blamed for the current procurement fiasco with MCOs). Good luck with that.
Key Excerpts from the Article:
…The contracts pay for private companies to oversee care for about 90% of Louisiana’s Medicaid enrollees, an estimated 1.5 million people — mostly adults covered by Medicaid expansion, pregnant women and children. The contracts are among the largest in state government, accounting for roughly one-quarter of the state’s annual operating budget…Losing bidders for the next round of multibillion-dollar contracts to manage health services for Medicaid patients are accusing the Edwards administration of bias and conflicts of interest. Republican and Democratic lawmakers are worrying publicly about whether health care access will be disrupted for half a million Medicaid enrollees, many of whom are in Edwards’ expansion program.
Read full article in packet or at links provided